Tom Ford Documentary Only Three Days Away

Tom Ford, the suave gentleman with the carefully unbuttoned shirt, the Gatsby-like American over-achiever, has finessed his glossy image to near-perfection. At this point, it seems like nothing, not even an incendiary show review in Le Figaro, can peel off that veneer. Now, like Anna, Karl, and Valentino before him, he can boast his own flattering documentary, Visionaries: Inside the Creative Mind, airing Sunday on OWN.

In the following online previews, the workaholic Texan is portrayed as a Renaissance man, either fitting dresses, shooting an ad campaign, opening a store, discussing his film debut, or hobnobbing with celebs at his hush-hush debut women’s show last year. And you can forget that control-freak reputation, according to director Michael Bonfiglio, who was granted exceptional access to the designer, Ford didn’t object to a single scene.

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