
Rick Owens as music mogul? Maybe, if the record he sent us is any indication. Well, not so much a record (although that would be genius, since no one except DJs and granddads would be able to play it) as a record-shaped sleeve with a teeny USB drive stuffed inside. On the lighter-like drive are nine remixes of How Do You Feel, the music for the spring 2013 men’s show, written by Matthew Stone, the same Matthew Stone who produces the soundtrack for Gareth Pugh’s collections. The unmistakable sultry voice of Rick’s other half, Michele Lamy, and the also-deep baritone of Zebra Katz (he of Ima Read fame) appear throughout the ten-minute first track, which, with its slow-burn, low-hum, drawn-out tempo, is just as moody and subversive as his collections…

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