Baptiste Giabiconi’s Erotic Seizure

Out this month, The Beauty of Violence (Steidl, $50) is, says the press release, “Karl Lagerfeld’s portrait of Baptiste Giabiconi acting out an erotic seizure of myriad facial and corporeal expressions. Giabiconi is a theatrical chameleon: he hides coyly behind a lock of black hair, adopts a Classical contrapposto pose, bunches his limbs vulnerably, and attempts to stuff his fist into his mouth.”

We love Lagerfeld’s muse-cum-plaything as much as the next pervy editor, so with the exception of the fist-stuffing, which is probably best left to drunk, closeted frat boys, we’re gonna give a thumbs up to this one. The concept of an erotic seizure is just too good to pass up.

If you were Lagerfeld, how would you direct Giabiconi? Comment below.

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